Terms & Conditions

Last updated September 2023

The rich text component enables the crafting and formatting of headers, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and videos collectively in a single location, rather than inserting and styling each individually. Simply double-click to effortlessly generate content.

What information do we collect?

A feature-rich text component accommodates both static and dynamic content. For static content, simply integrate it into any page and initiate editing. For dynamic content, incorporate a rich text field within any collection and link the rich text component with that field via the settings dashboard.

A rich text component allows for both static and dynamic content usage. For static content, simply insert it into any page and start editing. For dynamic content, include a rich text field within any collection, then link a rich text component to that field via the settings panel.

Titles, paragraphs, blockquotes, visuals, pictures, and image captions can all be formatted once a class is assigned to the rich text component utilizing the "When within" nested selector approach.

Use of Information

Titles, paragraphs, blockquotes, visuals, pictures, and captions can all be formatted once a class is assigned to the rich text element utilizing the "When within" nested selector approach.

A versatile rich text component accommodates both static and dynamic content. For static content, simply insert it on any page and initiate editing. For dynamic content, include a rich text field within a collection, and then link the rich text component to that specific field via the settings panel.

A rich text component allows for both static and dynamic content usage. To utilize static content, simply insert it into any webpage and commence editing. For dynamic material, include a rich text zone in any collection and subsequently link a rich text component to that zone through the settings module.

Use of Cookies

Titles, sections, quotes, illustrations, visuals, and caption texts can be customized once a class has been applied to the rich text component utilizing the "When within" nested selector method.

A versatile rich text component accommodates both static and dynamic content. To use with static content, simply place it on any page and start editing. For dynamic content, incorporate a rich text field into a collection, then link the rich text component to that field through the settings panel.

A versatile rich-text component can accommodate both fixed or adaptable content. To integrate fixed content, effortlessly insert it into any webpage and commence customization. As for adaptable content, incorporate a rich-text zone within any collection, then link it to the rich-text component via the configuration board.